


tenure /’tenjə/ 房地产等的保有权;任职,任期


divisive 引起分歧的,制造分裂的

e.g. But after a highly divisive start to his tenure……


foot the bill 支付款项


asylum /ə’saɪləm/ 避难,精神病院


insidious /ɪn’sɪdɪəs/ 暗中滋生的,阴险的


interrogate /ɪn’terəgeɪt/ 审讯,查询


hapless 不幸的


earth-shattering 惊天动地的

e.g. The lies about the crowd size at Donald Trump’s inauguration by the hapless White House spokesman Sean Spicer at his first briefing were not earth-shattering.


ludicrous /’luːdɪkrəs/ 荒唐可笑的


indictment  /ɪn’daɪtm(ə)nt/ 公诉书,起诉,罪证


drift away from rational beliefs 逐渐远离理性观念


a shred of sympathy 些许同情


sinister /‘sɪnɪstə/ 邪恶的,左侧的


entourage /’ɒntʊrɑːʒ/ 随从


praiseworthy 值得赞扬的

e.g. Trump quoted a praiseworthy tweet……


heightened 增强,加高

e.g. there is a heightened debate……


come into the public eye 进入公众视野


We have, still, intangible barriers that deny too many people the chance to reach their potential based on the most questionable of criteria – their gender, their age, their ethnicity, their sexual orientation or whether they are judged by others as able-bodied or right-minded.

able-bodied 体格健全的

right-minded 思想正常的




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