

buckle n. 搭扣,凹痕;v. 撑不住,扣上,垮掉

e.g. The dollar will soar and countries that have amassed large dollar debts, many of them emerging markets, may well buckle.


imperil 危及

e.g. Most recklessly, he has begun to pull apart America’s carefully stitched dealings with the rising superpower, China—imperilling the most important bilateral relationship of all.


anarchy 无政府状态


coercion 胁迫

e.g. Dealings between sovereign states tend towards anarchy—because, ultimately, there is no global government to impose order and no means of coercion but war.


unravel 解开,澄清


copious 大量的,详尽的

e.g. a copious supple of food and drink


jurisdiction 司法权,管辖权


belch 打嗝,喷出

e.g. Diesel-engined vehicles belch out poisonous nitrogen-oxide (NOx) gases.


pliable 易弯的,易摆布的

e.g. Life is much easier in Europe, where the regulations are pliable to the point of meaninglessness.


evangelise 使皈依基督教,传播福音


coercive 强制的

e.g. China’s one-child policy, though recently relaxed, has aggravated the national sex imbalance—and been coercive, brutal and less effective than its admirers claim.




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