

bard 诗人,游吟诗人

commissar 人民委员

animated 活跃的,动画的

adulation 吹捧

e.g. The anniversary of Shakespeare’s death is now over, but officially inspired adulation of Tang Xianzu carries on.

Officials want to cultivate pride in Chinese literature, and boost foreign awareness of it.

tandem 双人自行车,联合作业

e.g. Since then his popularity has surged in tandem with the country’s growing engagement with the West.

disservice 损害

guise 外表,伪装

e.g. AI, as it is known for short, comes in several guises.

pertinent 有关的

winnow 簸,扬去,辨识

dross 糟粕,浮渣

The conventional approach is to screen large numbers of molecules for signs of pertinent biological effect, and then winnow away the dross in a series of more and more expensive tests and trials, in the hope of coming up with a golden nugget at the end.

elucidate  阐明

salient 显著的,主要的

e.g.It can, in weeks, elucidate salient links and offer new ideas that would take lifetimes of human endeavour to come up with.

surmount 克服,解决,居于……之上

e.g. Another important biological hurdle that AI can help people surmount is complexity.

nudge 轻推,接近

e.g. AI will nudge people to generate new data and run particular experiments.




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