Buyers snapped up record numbers of luxury vehicles last year, with SUV’s leading the charge. 购买了
take centre stage 处于中心位置
The Giulia could make or break the Alfa brand in Australia 要么砸牌子要么立牌子
be on par with the Germans 和德国车等量
At the other end of the spectrum 在这个序列的另一端
plus on-roads for the base front-drive model 加上上路的费用
driving pleasure 驾驶乐趣
The redesigned body and underpinnings 重新设计的车身和支撑
eye-watering price tag 让人流泪的价格标签(贵)
tweaked versions of the Range Rover 改装过的版本
The LC 500 coupe is the star attraction. 引人注意的明星
The brand goes old-school(走了老派路线) with the striking coupe with naturally aspirated V8
a Sport Turismo will debut at the Geneva show and squeak into Austrlia 在日内瓦上演处子秀,然后悄悄进入澳洲
mule 骡子
climes:a place that has a particular type of climate

The punchy supercharged and turbocharged 2.0-litre four-cylinder 高压的(发动机)
svelte styling and top-shelf tech : 优雅的造型和顶级的科技
bruiser=figher—a big strong man who likes fighting or arguing
The GT-R is more battleship than beauty queen-but it can’t be judged by normal standards.
Nismo will make the mountain ring
sales festival 销售节日
sales event 销售活动
pushing them to the brink 把他们推向了边缘
the crunch point in supply 供给的崩溃点
There could be curtailments for industrial customers during cold or hot weather. 控制
the troubled organic babyfood maker 最近问题重重的有机婴儿食物制造者
CBA will reprice interest-only home loans from March 17. 重新定价
grab a slice of the real estate pie 分房地产一杯羹
SUV VS passenger vehicles 普通轿车
Sales of new sport utility vehicles will overtake passenger cars by mid-year on current sales trends, marking a momentous and long-term shift in Australians’ driving preferences.
momentous: a momentous event, change, or decision is very important because it will have a great influence on the future

SUV sales lag passenger cars but catching up fast vt.落后于
automated parking 自动停车
the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries 联邦汽车工业商会
present sales trajectories 现在的销售轨迹
Twenty years ago regular cars outsold four-wheel drives by about ten to one vt.比…销售情况好
The Toyota HiLux beat out the Toyota Corolla 打败了
The CX-9 is the antithesis of this atmosphere of compromise n.对立面
fill the gap 填补这个空白
Austrlia’s growing infatuation with the SUV has extended well into the luxury end of the market. 澳洲对SUV的迷恋
whitewash: v.刷白墙 2. 洗白 n. 洗白的行为 2.白漆
The official report into the cause of the fire was labeled a whitewash.
to cover something with whitewash
The walls were whitewashed and covered with bullfighting posters.
to hide the true facts about a serious accident or illegal action
Investigators are accused of whitewashing the governor’s record.
remain at the helm of the troubled organic bay food maker 仍然在….掌舵
dump the board 抛弃董事会
price spike breathes life into old mines (煤矿)价格上升给久的煤矿呼入了一丝活气
pursue a restart of its Koolan Island operations 追求Koolan岛的矿场重新开始运作
the main pit 主要的矿场
He has been granted a conditional release from house arrest 软禁
He was placed under house arrest by Israeli police on suspicion of bribing government official in Guinea
made explosive allegations 做出来爆炸性的声明
scrubland 低灌木丛地区
wild horses still roam 野马游荡
The first battery cells are rolling off production lines to power the company’s energy storage products 从生产线里呼啸而出