

magistrates repeatedly bail hardcore teens 地方法院不断的保释一些顽固不化的青少年

given multiple slaps on wrist 警告,很轻的惩罚

  a slap in the face 扇耳光,侮辱

ultimatum  n.最后通牒

sisters in arms 手足情深的姐妹

be set for a clash like no other 定好的一场恶战,无以伦比

tobacconist 卖香烟的人

two champions make epic comebacks 两个冠军史诗般的强势归来

two gracious speeches 两个感恩的演讲

Roger is a pleasure to watch. Roger看起来很愉快

Calm and gentlemanly.  绅士的

great nail-biting game. 让人很紧张刺激的比赛

a great end to this year’s AO. 今年澳网的完美收官

Rafa got the upper hand on Fed with his boring baseline game. Rafa 用他的无聊的底线球压制了费德勒

the most watched globally  在全球范围内被看最多次数的(比赛)

Marvelous tennis and sportsmanship  运动员精神

two legends of the game 网球赛场的两个传奇

The crowd noise was off the charts  现场噪音爆表

Take note, all you tennis brats-being humble and gracious gets you a long way in life.


a huge credit to tennis  对网球的一种巨大赞扬

Goat or not, he’s one bona fide sporting legend.  真正的

Australia’s sporting capital  澳洲体育之都

silence the critics 让批评者闭嘴

do something out of the box 做一些与众不同的事情

technology and infotainment 信息娱乐=information+entertainment=infotainment

infotainment: television programmes that deal with important subjects in a way that people can enjoy

Levorg turns the everyday into the perfect day 让普通的一天变成完美的一天










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