


Vehicle types:
Van 货车
Minivan 小巴
MPV= Multi-Purpose Vehicle 多功能车
Passenger van 乘用车
People mover 拉人的车
Electric/electrical car电车
hybrid cars 混合动力的车
diesel/gas 柴油、天然气
Economic/economical 经济的、节约的
Fuel economy 节油性
Hatchback 掀背车
Compact car 紧凑型车
Sedan 轿车
Coupe 两门小跑
Sports car 运动型车
Racing car 赛车
caravan 房车 caravan park房车公园
Recreational vehicle 娱乐型车
Convertible 敞篷车

Vehicle parts:
Left/right Indicator 左/右转向灯
High beam 远光灯
Low beam 近光灯
Headlight-tail light-brake light刹车灯
Running light is on—run the red light Speeding 超速
Adaptive headlight 自适应头灯

Hazard light 双闪
Fog light 雾灯

Steering wheel 方向盘
rear wheel 后车轮
Volume down/up 声音变大/小
Cruise control 定速巡航—adaptative
Power steering 助力
Power window 电动车窗
Sound the horn 按喇叭
Front/rear wheel 前轮
Calliper -卡钳 calibrate 校准
Brake calliper 刹车卡钳
ceramics 陶瓷
Rim 轮毂
Spoke 辐条
Tyre/tire-spare tyre 备胎

Petrol 汽油 refuel— petrol station/service station—petroleum
Petrified adj. 石化的=I was petrified.
Engine oil 机油—engine发动机
duel motor 双电机 motor vehicle 机动车辆
Lubricant 润滑油
Gas 天然气
Wiper- 雨刷 swish—wipe your tears-rub one’s eyes
fly screen 纱窗
sun visor 遮阳板
window tinting 车贴膜
sunshade 遮阳帘
spoiler 尾翼
sports car 跑车
racing car 赛车
cylinder 气缸
boxer engine 水平对置发动机 —Subaru
muffler 消声器
bumper 保险杠
exhaust pipe 排气管 exhausted exhaustion exhausted fumes car emission 汽车尾气
trunk/boot size 后备箱大小
bonnet 车前盖
hood—-车前盖range hood抽油烟机机 hoodie帽衫 hoodlum 小混混 freeze别动
small on the outside
big on the inside

leather heating seat 真皮加热座椅
massage 按摩
ventilation 通风
driver’s seat 驾驶座 driver license驾照 driving license
Learner license 初学者驾照
Probationary 见习驾照
Full license 全驾照
passenger seat 乘客座位
front seat front row 前排
back seat back row后排
backseat driver 后排指手画脚的人

dash cams 行车记录仪
dashboard 仪表盘
speedometer 速度表
odometer 里程表 od-it 走
odyssey 长途旅行
tachometer /tæˈkɔmɪtə/ 转速表

chassis 底盘
suspension 悬挂
air suspension空气悬挂 —speed bump 减速障
cabin 车厢
wheelbase:轴距 the distance between the front and back axles of a vehicle
LWB-long wheel base 长轴距
gear box 变速箱—Top Gear
hand-brake-electrical 手刹车-电子的
keyless entry 无钥匙进入
transmission 传动
automatic vs manual 自动/手动
D-drive—drift—-D1 D2
Reverse- 倒车 The housing market reversed in the July of 2019.
N-neutral 空挡

fuel economy 省油
adj. fuel efficient adj.省油的
gas guzzler 油老虎
mileage 里程数
Accelerator 油门 accelerate v.加速
Celery 芹菜
4 cylinder 4缸
Dealer二手车商 Pickles
Hybrid car Prius 普锐斯
Limousine-limou 加长豪车
Lemon 容易坏的车
Spark plug 火花塞
Battery is dead/flat. 电池坏了
Jumpstart your car 搭电启动
Ignition ignite lighter 打火机 sleepless toss and turn 辗转反侧
Rear mirror后视镜
Side mirror 侧视镜
Oil tank 油箱 oil tanker 油罐车
Hilux—tradie-tradesman-pick-up truck-ute 皮卡

Utility—SUV= vehicle sport utility运动型车
Unbreakable adj.牢不可破的
Body work 车身修复工作
Crash n.撞车
Collide with
Collison 碰撞
Smash=car crash 撞车
an awful smash(-up) on the motorway
Smash repair 撞车维修
My car was rear-ended yesterday. 我车昨天追尾了。
Pile-up n.连环追尾 compile v.编辑
Workshop 工作间
Garage 车厂
Private sale 私卖
Auction 公开拍卖
Test drive= Book your test drive today 试驾
Car finance 汽车金融
Instalment 分期付款in/by instalments
Take out an insurance policy 买保险
Premium 保险费
Excess fee—out-of-pocket expenses 出险费
Comprehensive insurance 全险
Third party insurance 第三方保险
Compulsory insurance 强险
Roadside assistance 路边救援



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