在澳洲收到罚单(traffic ticket)该如何写申诉信-Review Request



Dear Sir/Madam,


I think that my fine should be reviewed on the following three grounds.


First of all, it was the first time that I had ever run a red light or ever broken a traffic rule. Please give me an opportunity to correct myself.


Secondly, I am not so familiar with the road conditions around Blackburn since I have just moved to this suburb from Point Cook.


Thirdly, I was driving on the road when the light suddenly turned yellow and I thought I could pass the intersection. However, the yellow light was on for a much shorter period of time than I had expected.


I am terribly sorry for my behaviour and I will definitely learn from this lesson. I sincerely request that my fine could be waived considering my situation.


Best regards

Ming Liu





附: 澳洲是一个法律大于人情的国家。文波英语的小编身边有很多不懂法而被收到惩罚的例子,比如室内装修没有向council 申请permit 而被罚,垃圾桶太满了而被罚等等。希望每一个在澳洲学习的同学都可以自由自在,活出自己想要的生活。



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