历史非常悠久的天琴座流星雨Lyrid Meteor Shower

这周末的天文爱好者可是闲不了,天琴座流星雨(Lyrid Meteor Shower),观测历史非常悠久的一个流星雨,最近是它的频繁期。但是它在北半球才能观测到哦,对,你没有看错,就是和我们南半球的孩子并没有关系。However,有文波的小编带大家领略一下,天琴座流星雨的美。

The radiant — the point from which the meteors appear to originate — will be high in the evening sky in the constellation Lyra to the northeast of Vega, one of the brightest stars visible in the night sky this time of year. Don’t look directly toward the radiant, though, because you might miss the meteors with the longest tails.




那么What causes the Lyrids?

Lyrid meteors are little pieces of Comet Thatcher, a long-period comet that orbits the sun about once every 415 years. Pieces of debris left in the comet’s wake, however, make an appearance every year. (Comet Thatcher’s most recent perihelion, or closest approach to the sun, was in 1861. It won’t be back until the year 2276.) 

看来该文的作者很擅长用同位语,同位语“a long-period comet that orbits the sun about once every 415 years”用来解释这个Comet Thatcher.

wake:尾部,名词;非我们认识的wake me up


Meteor showers occur when the Earth crosses the path of a comet, colliding with a trail of comet crumbs. That’s why they happen around the same time every year and appear to originate from specific points in the sky. As they burn up in the atmosphere, the meteors leave bright streaks in the sky commonly referred to as “shooting stars.”






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