
接触过PTE的考生心理可能都有一个小疑问,为什么我的口语花了那么长时间去纠音,单词发音对了,单词重读对了,可是我读英语的时候还是语调平平,没有native speaker声音上的那种起伏呢?墨尔本悉尼文波PTE告诉你其实你欠缺了这两点。


Global warming is defined as an increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. This trend began in the middle of the 20th century and is one of the major environmental concerns of scientists and governmental officials worldwide. The changes in temperature result mostly from the effect of increased concentrations of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.


Global warming is defined as an increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. This trend began in the middle of the 20th century and is one of the major environmental concerns of scientists and governmental officials worldwide. The changes in temperature result mostly from the effect of increased concentrations of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.


Global warming is defined as an increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphereThis trend began in the middle of the 20th century and is one of the major environmental concerns of scientists and governmental officials worldwide. The changes in temperature result mostly from the effect of increased concentrations of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.

轻重音有了,但是如何做到这个对比呢?其实差别就是在单词发音长度和音量上。举个例子,“in the ” 轻读就是降低一些音量,另外读得轻快一些。“earth’s atmosphere” 提高一些音量,然后读得略慢一些,这样就可能形成声音的高低对比。



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