PTE写作阅读赏析:Romance in Rio – 里约奥运之浪漫



Romance in Rio – 里约奥运之浪漫

Rio 2016: the sport, the drama, the marriage proposals

Four ‘Will you?’s, four yeses. While some celebrate these public gestures, others criticise pressure it puts on other person

From golf to rugby sevens (7人制橄榄球), and even possibly jousting (马上枪术), the list of Olympic sports gets longer every four years. But this year it seems an unlikely 43rd spectator sport has snuck its way (sneak one’s way, 悄悄溜入)on to the roster: marriage proposals.


In the first 10 days of this year’s Rio Games, three athletes have found their partners getting down on bended knee – or in one case holding up the crucial question on a sign – in front of a live audience of thousands and with the news cameras of the world capturing the moment.

到奥运进行到第十天为止,有三名运动员都在参赛过程中被他们的TA高调求婚。现场数千名观众瞩目,再加专业媒体摄影报道 (这样的求婚也是比较经济实惠 – 戒指价签都不敢看的小编捂脸)。

The competitors themselves have also got in on the act. Moments after winning a silver medal in triple jump, the American Will Claye bounded into the stands, dropped to a knee (单膝跪下,也就是求婚的基本动作啦~) and proposed to his longtime girlfriend, hurdler Queen Harrison. She said yes.


A fifth athlete, British race walker Tom Bosworth, chose the night after his 20km race to propose to his boyfriend to against the quieter backdrop of Rio’s Copacabana beach and later tweeted a photo of it happening.

当然少不了走浪漫路线的- Tom Bosworth小哥选择在赛后当晚,携男友(对的,是男友)前往巴西著名的科帕卡巴纳海滩,顺利求婚成功。

Every proposal has been greeted with a yes, prompting a global outpouring of emotion (outpour of emotion 倾泻而出的情感,很生动的表达方式) as people have celebrated the grand romantic gesture, carried out in full glare of the public.


However, the timing and public nature of the proposals have also attracted criticism both for putting vast amounts of pressure on the would-be spouse and for detracting (detract, ) from his or her sporting achievements.


The first emotional proposal came early in the Games, when Brazilian women’s rugby sevens player Isadora Cerullo was asked for her hand in marriage by her girlfriend, Marjorie Enya, in front of the whole roaring stadium after the Brazil squad had been knocked out of the competition.

This was followed by Chinese diver Qin Kai, who proposed to his teammate and girlfriend, He Zi, during the ceremony where she was being presented with a silver medal for women’s springboard. She had tears in her eyes after he did it, though many noted that it took her a long time for a smile to replace her look of shock (墨尔本悉尼文波雅思PTE看到此情此景也禁不住热泪盈tears in our eyes).


Some users on Chinese social media website Weibo accused Qin of hijacking the moment as a publicity stunt (公关手段,噱头;stunt本身有特技的意思) to make them “China’s new golden couple(金童玉女,外媒的翻译也是分外传神). Author Sunny Singh also criticised the proposal as a way of Qin undermining (undermine,削弱,减少) the sporting success of his girlfriend.

“It’s a control mechanism, a way of saying: ‘You may just have won an Olympic medal … but really the most important thing is you’re my wife,’” she said.

“Imagine if it was someone like Michael Phelps receiving a medal and a woman came up and proposed – people would laugh at her.”

微博用户表达对秦凯求婚的不满,认为秦凯有借奥运时机制造公关噱头之嫌。而作家Sunny Singh也评论说,秦凯此举也无形中削弱了其女友何姿的在奥运中的竞技成就。

But Gurpreet Singh, a relationship counsellor with charity Relate, disagreed with this interpretation. “I cannot judge, but there was nothing in his actions that made it look like the proposal was a controlling act,” he said. “Traditionally, men do propose to women, and so in that context, I don’t think you can look upon it as a sexist act or a man stealing a women’s moment (steal one’s moment,steal one’s thunder均有抢某人风头之意).

“It’s much more important to consider whether for, this couple, it was something they both felt comfortable with and felt was right for them.”


Gurpreet said the spate (频发) of marriage proposals at the Olympics was indicative of a wider trend towards grandeur (宏伟,壮观) and publicity when it came to popping the question (pop the question, 求婚). The rise of social media, and people sharing every moment on Facebook and Twitter, means people’s inhibitions towards public displays of emotion have increasingly disappeared – often to the detriment of relationships (墨尔本悉尼文波雅思PTE温馨提示:social media佳句借鉴).

“These days there is both an idealistic (理想主义的) and social pressure for grand public proposals,” he said. “The pressure of having an ideal relationship, which should be celebrated, is very prominent (突出 ) and it is putting pressure on people to put on these grand, idealistic proposals even when it isn’t suited to their relationship and when it isn’t something that hasn’t been discussed.”

Gurpreet warmed against people blindly following the example of Qin and Cerullo with making their own proposals a public spectacle. “It a very risky path for couples to go down,” he said.

“Who are we to judge what does or doesn’t work for a couple and choosing that particular moment in the Olympics is fine if they had discussed it before,” he said. “But really what is the grand proposal for? Is it going to help to make a better success of a relationship? And from my experience, I’m sure that those two things equate.”

奥运赛场上频发的求婚其实是高调求婚大趋势的一种体现 – 社交网络的发展在其中的推动作用不可忽视。社会压力及理想主义往往促成了人们对这种宏大求婚场景的盲目诉求,然而这样的盲从对于情侣之间的感情有可能弊大于利。毕竟,奢华高调的求婚并不一定之间促进二人的感情加深。


Another Olympics proposal came on Monday night when Britain’s Charlotte Dujardin finished her high-scoring freestyle dressage (自由舞步) test. As she earned her second Olympic gold, cameras zoomed in on her long-time partner in the stands holding up a sign saying: “Will you marry me now?”

However, she said that her partner had in fact proposed to her before the Olympics. “I don’t think he believed it was going to happen so I think he has made it so public that now I am certainly going to do it,” she said.

自由舞步参赛者,Charlotte Dujardin表示,她的未婚夫其实在奥运比赛前就已经向她提出求婚,其后来在看台上高举“你会嫁给我吗”大概是要在万众瞩目下再次确认。

Dr Tansin Benn, who sits on the board of the International Assoication of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women, said it was no bad thing to show that those who had dedicate their lives to sports had not done it to the detriment of (detriment, 害,to the detriment of造成) loving relationships.

“High-performance athletes often put their personal lives on hold (put…on hold, 置,), given the intensity of training focus required to succeed in the Olympics,” she said. “Therefore post-winning announcements such as engagements or wedding dates are unsurprising.

“I do believe the public recognise and admire the skill levels of these champions, women and men, and that this is not diminished by announcements of engagements or wedding dates, or tomorrow’s retirement. What matters is the moment and the athletes’ achievements.”

国际体育协会专家,Dr Tansin Benn则认为,奥运参赛的运动员们往往为了集中精力训练而将个人生活暂滞。因此,他们在赛后发表诸如订婚、退役等重大个人生活决定也并不令人意外,更不会因此而对其在体育竞技方面的建树而造成影响。

propose/proposal  动词/名词 求婚 (也有提议,建议的意思)

drop to one’s knee, pop the question, ask for one’s hand 均是表达求婚的固定搭配





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