
2015年1月10日雅思回忆直播尽在微博@墨尔本文波雅思 及微信个人号wenbo_tv. 即时直播,关注我们,获得最早雅思回忆!为了方便大家练习,减少练习压力,我们将口语预测分为了两个部分。口语话题第一部分和口语话题第二&第三部分,其中第二第三部分又划分为人、事、物、地 四个小部分。同学们练习的时候可以分类练习,有些素材可以共用。


A prize you won/you would like to win

You should say

What it is

How you know about it

How you can win it

What you feel about it

P3how do companies reward their employees?

In China, how teachers reward their students?

If parents push their children to win a prize, do you think it is good for children?

A popular APP on phones or tablets or computers that is useful

You should say

What it is

When you first use it

How you know about it

Why it is useful

P3 do you think technology can change our lives?

Is it convenient?

What are the drawbacks?

What can technology bring? Is it good or bad?

Where do you usually acquire knowledge from?

Do you think high technology is a waste of time?

How do you deal with the problem?

Is it more acceptable for youngsters than the elderly? Why?


A good habit from your friend that you want to learn

You should say

What the good habit is

Who the person is

Why you want to learn

How to develop it

P3Why do children have bad habits?

How to help children avoid developing bad habits?

Do you think adults have bad habits?

What can they do to change the bad habits?

Why do people change their habits when grow older?

Do you think it is good to have a routine day?


Homemade gift to your friends

You should say

What it is

How you made it

Why you made it

And what your friend think of it

P3is it time-consuming to make a gift?

What is the difference between homemade gifts and gifts bought from a store?

Are girls better at making gifts than boys?

What do people prefer, handmade or machine-made products? Why?

What kind of things will continue to be made by hand in the future?

What benefits of children learning how to make something by hand?

What gifts do people give each other in a business environment?

A magazine you like to read

You should say what it is

When you first read it

Where you can buy it

Why you like to read it

P3 what do you think of working as a journalist?

Has the newspaper changed during these years?

Do you prefer to read newspaper or read on line?

Do you think newspaper will be replaced by the Internet?

An important job in your country

You should say

What it is

What sort of people usually do the job

What you can get from it

And why it is important

P3what kind of person can have a job like that?

At what age do people start to work full time?

What are the factors of getting a job?

What is the job market like? Does it vary in different places?

Is it difficult to find a job in your country?

Should people look for job they like? Why?

What is the working conditions like in your country?

Have the working conditions gotten better these days?

Do people in your country change jobs frequently? Why or why not?


A special thing you bought from a journey

You should say

What it is

Where you bought it

Why you bought it

What you feel when you arrived at home

p3what are the drawbacks of taking photos when travel?

Why do people buy souvenir? Do you think if people should sell souvenirs?

Should government encourage selling souvenirs?

2015年1月10日雅思口语预测 Part1







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