work against the clock争分夺秒
run you over 碾压你
take…out of your hair 解除你的烦恼
loose cannon 描述行为不按常理出牌的人
out of blue 突然
it doesn’t add up 没道理
clench his fist 握紧拳头
you’re hip 你真厉害
start a wall over someone 与某人宣战
in a tight spot 处于困境
hostile 敌意的
clear the air 消除误会
stir things up 搅浑局势
inspirational speech 鼓舞人心的演讲
in a blaze of glory 在光环下
liberty 自由
snitch 告密
see the light领悟; 豁然贯通
what do you do for a living?你做什么工作的
put a zipper on it 闭嘴
catch feeling for 对某人有感情
siphon his strength 吸走他的力气
take roll call 点名