昨夜的跨年烟火大家亲自感受了吗?在跨年的激动中烤鸭们有木有想过怎样地道地描述昨晚的盛况呢?用绳命在学雅思的墨尔本文波雅思 为大家总结了地道的节日口语→→十八罗汉短语,运用了口语就能达到7分!
- Kick off the party 开始派对
- Paint the night sky 用焰火点缀夜空
- A kaleidoscope(万花筒) of colourful fireworks 五彩缤纷的焰火
- were launched into the skies of …绽放在城市上空
- Exploding fireworks sprayed from…at midnight 在午夜绽放的烟花
- as the world began ushering in a new year预示着世界进入新的一年
- People crammed the Sydney Harbour foreshore 人们齐聚在悉尼港海滩
- Renowned annual pyrotechnics(放烟花) show 年度著名烟花秀
- Turn the city’s cloudy night into bright day 照亮市区的夜晚
- Worth the ten-hour wait 值得10小时的等待
- Watch the city skyline pop with light 目睹城市上空烟花绽放
- The fireworks display transformed the night sky into a rainbow of colours, from green, gold, blue, pink and red 烟花将城市上空变得五彩缤纷
- Flashing balls of light and fireworks that looked like falling stars绽放的烟花如流星一般闪亮
- delighted the crowds使人群沸腾
- Flock to 蜂拥而至
- The skies above the city were lit up 点亮城市的夜空
- Tens of thousands converged (聚集)on the waterfront 成千上万的人聚集在码头
- hail the New Year with music and fireworks 在音乐和烟火中欢度新年
0410 458 812