

In the world of science, where English journals (especially American English ones) are seen as more prestigious, authors of alternate native tongues draft manuscripts in English, and afterward frequently translate these works back into their home country’s language for publication in smaller regional journals or conference proceedings. The art of language-hopping is not a carefully selected device to produce a creative effect, like those employed by Nabakov and Beckett. Rather, it is a necessary procedure used to achieve readership recognition from colleagues and the scientific community at large.

What impact does English have on the global scientific community? For one, it severely limits the participating population to those who can gain the requisite skills. We worry about the influence of socioeconomic class in the United States on determining opportunity to engage in science; however if we add the impediment of speaking and writing science in a foreign language, there is no doubt that we are scraping only the creamiest social classes.

prestigious adj. 有名望的;享有声望的

alternate adj. 交替的

proceedings n. 会议记录

requisite adj. 必备的,必不可少的

socioeconomic 社会经济学的

impediment n. 口吃;妨碍;阻止

scrap 刮,擦


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